: Prompt A,B,C : √(B^2 - 4AC) → D : (-B + D) / (2A) → X : (-B - D) / (2A) → Y : Disp X,Y
Quadratic Solver
Solves quadratic equations in the form Ax^2 + Bx + C = 0
Solves quadratic equations in the form Ax^2 + Bx + C = 0
: Disp "X^2/(Y-X) = Z : Prompt Y,Z : √(Z) * √(4*Y*Z) → A : 0.5 * (A-Z) → B : 0.5 * (-A-Z) → C : Disp B,C : Disp "-log(X) log(X) + 14 : Disp -log(abs(B)) : Disp log(abs(B)) + 14
"Square of X divided by Y minus X"
Solves for x given an equation in the format X^2/(Y-X) = Z, given Y and Z
Solves for x given an equation in the format X^2/(Y-X) = Z, given Y and Z
: Disp "X(X+Y)/(Z-X)=W : Prompt Y,Z,W : √(W^2 + 2*W*Y + 4*W*Z + Y^2) * 0.5 → A : A - 0.5 * (W+Y) → B : -A - 0.5 * (W+Y) → C : Disp B,C : Disp -log(abs(B)) : Disp log(abs(B)) + 14
"X Multiplied x plus Y Z Divided equals W"
Solves for X in equations in the format (X+Y)(X) / (Z-X) = W
Solves for X in equations in the format (X+Y)(X) / (Z-X) = W